Distro shirts, Shirts Stylish

Distro Bandung: Distributions have become part of life and the fashion industry in the city of Bandung. Not only on weekends, every day certainly a lot of visitors who shop in the distro. The crowd was not only the city's population, but from out of town. Although in their home town there is also a distro, fashion in Bandung has always been an interest of their purchasing power.

Regarding the collection of clothes on offer, distros have a diverse selection of clothes with good quality, for example shirt distro. Not to mention, which is usually made ​​by the owner or a particular designer of such distributions. However, we will only see clothes for consumers who enter the category of adolescents into adulthood.

Collection Teens and Adults
Clothes for children are usually not encountered in the distribution segment sales for the distributions is more to youth. For the problem size, usually makes one-size distributions, ie, all size. Although there are some who make a variety of sizes, M and L, all size is more dominating.

Products made ​​in one size distributions due to the product once the product is selling. That is, manufacturers will not make a lot of clothes for one model because their products are made in limited edition and immediately run out. This is the typical dress product distributions. Businessman distro did not want their products accumulate because the number of consumers who purchased certain models of very little.

Shirt Distro
Various kinds of fashion sold in distros. T-shirts, shirts, pants, jackets, hats, bags, slippers, and purses. For those of you who spirited dynamic, but must use the shirt as a daily wear because it requires status as a worker, shirt distro is suitable. The model is dynamic, not old-fashioned, and not sold in the market will make you look different from other colleagues.

Moreover, for those who have a body size is not too large, shirt distro is the right choice. The average shirt in M to L size distributions although there is no size label on a shirt. Price also arguably relatively inexpensive, ranging Rp75.000, 00.

Variations in the model were varied. Start short-sleeved shirt, long sleeves, or shirts with sleeves or ¾ responsibilities. Shirt color distributions even brighter than the shirts are sold in the market. Not to mention, the material used, there is a rigid type of cotton, some cotton elastic. However, do not create heat because of the quality of a mainstay.

It will mostly found patterned shirts, which usually display something on the back or front. In terms of color is very colorfull. Models like that are very juvenile and really loved by the youth of the city.

However, distribution businesses have started to realize, or glance at another market, namely adult men. That's why we also started to meet many distros shirt whose motive is more soft, very suitable for use in the office.

Main Street Clothes Shops
Originally, the distro that emerged in the 2000s is a clothing store located in the surrounding main roads or road alternatives. However, now many distros are renting a room in a large shopping center or mall.

Even so, remain characteristic distributions never went away. For those of you who are young and have a great career or for those who are young at heart, shirt distro could be another option in your fashion art. No doubt you will look more stylish and fashionable with the shirt distro.

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