Series Mass Effect is arguably one of the best games ever released sage. I'm definitely a fan. But the more I think its size, the more I believe that the interactive parts of Mass Effect has nothing to do with how awesome it is.
Crazy? Maybe so, but hear me. When you take away ep, cut-scene-driven story, lovable characters and disgusting, a fresh layer of printing ink, all you're left with is a third-person shooter, which is average at best slučaju.Prve two installments with the implementation of mediocre shooting mechanic and ridiculous enemy intelligence . They also employ a parish role-playing elements and overly linear combat environment.
In addition, both are amazing bit of research. In Mass Effect, you get to jump into the horribly-designed Mako missions and find minerals for themselves, and Mass Effect 2, you can fly around in a spaceship and boring bored scanning the planet for resources instead. Neither really has much sense of discovery.
Mass Effect 2 is a level-up system makes the same mistake that many modern RPGs do not: heavily scripted nature of routes. By not providing enough enemies or information stations can not gain experience in their spare time. To Commander Shepard and his friends are taller, you advance the story. If so, why are leveling at all? Parsimonious number of skills can earn credits through the adventure you may not actually potrebne.Igra and auto level my characters.
That said, I absolutely enjoyed my time in the Mass Effect universe. They are two of my favorite games of this generation, and the reason for this is a story-driven experience. It is a word, epic. I remember going into the final battle for Mass Effect 2 shakes as if I was actually going into battle with your friends. (I was in real life combat, so I know that feeling .)
developer BioWare is not such an outstanding job developing the characters that I felt responsible for them and the dreaded possibility of losing the team. I remember hearing Tali yelling at me to hurry over the comm. I felt a true sense of urgency, as I fought my way to it. It was awesome!
Generally speaking, I'm not a big fan of iPhone games. My columns are RPGs, Madden, occasional tactical shooter, and retro karting titles such as Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing.IPhone not carry any of these types of games are particularly good.
But oddly enough, I recently got the whole hip SuperBrothers: Sword and Sworcery EP phenomenon that all the major sites seemed so hyped about it. I'm still playing through it, but I can see why so many people were taken into it. This is a novel art style, the first boss fight definitely got my blood pumping. But, just like Mass Effect, if these things are stripped away, there would be a very tedious and boring game.
This idea is not new. Old-school adventure game developer Sierra has done something similar with their Space Quest and King's Quest series. None of them were really "play" as we think of them in the modern sense. They were all about the experience and discoveries.
But where do we draw the line? How to distinguish the difference between a game that actually has a great design and play an attractive package? If I had my way, I'd marry her world-building of Mass Effect with a free survey and adjustable leveling the Elder Scrolls series.
In the future, I hope that developers can use to stop a pretty window dressing to hide the game would never play just based on the elements that make it different from other media. I do not want to let developers time and budget constraints hold them back from bringing us the best of both worlds.